HiPoint Ag Company FAQs

HiPoint Ag Company FAQ's
We cannot impact our industry and the ongoing pollution crisis unless we put the HiPoint technology and HPAB process ©  in place. We are all in a race against time and request support to assist us with the resources necessary to make this change. It will take the community to change the industry for the better.

Who is HiPoint?

HiPoint Bedding Corp is a privately funded Zero Waste Environmental Recycling company that can manufacture an environmentally sustainable hypoallergenic dust-free reusable animal bedding and, through accelerated bioreactor drums, create higher yield biomass. We can solve up to 59,000 tons a year of the massive stall residual waste crisis while positively impacting global warming, all through the influence of the horse.

Have you an operating Facility like in your process video?

Our Process video was shot from multiple locations to show the building design concepts and aesthetics. Plus showing each piece of equipment used to produce our reusable horse bedding and biomass products. The Flagship location (to be built) will bring all equipment and processes integrated into one place under-roof. The final building is fully enclosed, so no outside moving of material will be required. A fully operating pilot facility R&D site was developed in 2013-2016. Redeveloped and designed by HiPoint in 2017 each piece of equipment has been tested to recycle wood shavings, separate the manure buns, and create biomass (soil amendment) from the manure. Multiple runs have been developed and samples created and tested. We're ready to get on with it.

Can you take all the manure and stall residuals from a region?

Based on the region's size, we take what we can sell. We build facilities to the location, and viability of a region. Our planning suggests the requirement of around 25% of the total stall residual in the region creates the viability for a region to have a Facility. If the demand is there for more, we can build the site to cover up to 59,000 tons or build a second site in close proximity. We sell what we re-create.

How do you know where to build and how big a site to build?

We go through a stringent process of location. Feedstock. Support. Funding.

Location (it must have a high horse and human populous with lots of large events, showgrounds, racetracks, polo or hunter jumper event barns around the region) Is there reasonably priced industrial land up to 5 acres in a region with road access for hauling trucks. How is the building, road & Utility infrastructure?

Feedstock Analysis. (how much waste is created, what is the quality, and adoption to selling the bedding back to the community. We get pre-sales and MOU agreements to buy/sell reusable horse bedding, and biomass.) Is there a sub-market for pellets, energy, and fertilizers to shift production on each revenue stream to maximize production? Waste nothing gain everything (TM) 

Support. We want to contribute to society. We want to be a solution to a problem, not the problem! We educate, advise others, and work with the community, Farms, county commissioners, and haulers to be the solution to a massive crisis. (we want to have support from the community to be an effective region to build on)

Funding. We are privately funded, and work with investors, government, and banks to build the solution for a region. Our profits self-fund the O&M operations costs of each Facility and we build for a 20-year lifecycle.

How do you protect the residences around your site?

Existing licensed haulers bring covered trucks to our Facility and unload them inside our fully-covered buildings to protect against odor, drift, and noise to the surrounding community. We currently build on industrial land that is directly connected to haulers' existing routes not to disrupt the accepted flow. We only bring in high wood shaving content stall residual waste and do not store or leave composting piles ( remember an inert compost pile does not smell ). It's only rotting aerobic food waste with a pungent smell.) We don't openly compost food waste.

Additionally, we choose to always be 100 ft from a residence where possible. That stops any noise pollution from trucks coming to unload and pick up new bagged bedding and biomass. Or from the DB of the Facility to be at or below acceptable levels.

Optionally we support the haulers operationally and financially to be part of their eco-system to be the very best service from farm to farm.

What do you do to maintain a low smell, low dust, low emission Facility?

The HPAB biomass process uses ozone generators that produce 10 grams/hour of ozone, which is more than enough to remove not only odors but any possible VOCs generated by other waste products. We use no chemicals or polymers in our process and naturally infuse the bedding to be healthy for horse & rider. Our equipment was designed in the field to be low to no-emission running equipment driven by electricity, solar, and natural gas. We can shut doors and windows, but there is no breakdown of the wood shavings and manure particles that can cause odor because we process quickly and continually. Finally, the water and urine in the wood shavings are dried and heated to a molecular change into condensate, and steam, and we then trap that through 49-micron filters as reusable water for cleaning or to wet the biomass.

What's your policy for controlling emissions of noise odor in the biomass?

We only bring in waste shavings that have been stall removed daily which contain urine and some manure buns by covered trucks to a covered building. This reduces the smell and flies at the farm, on the roads, and at our facility. Our Facility also incorporates carbon filters and ozone generators in our drying and bioreactors  - This will break down the manure buns, make them inert, and odorless, trapped any smells. These policies are for neighbors and staff,  offering limited to no smell around the property's perimeter.


Water. Water. Everywhere! Protecting the water table.

HiPoint owners are passionate about being good stewards of the land air and water habitat. We encourage you to read more about water pollution and how manure waste is causing fecal and NPK pollution phosphorous overloading and Algal blooms in our lakes. This is costing water management millions in clean-up and chemicals in stormwater treatment plants.

Our Facility processes the manure buns immediately to stop off-gassing from aerobic breakdown when left on fields to rot, and urine manure leachate from entering the groundwater when left, or composted outside. Inside the building, any leachate is captured and sent to be reused in the bioreactor for fertilizer and as we are on full concrete floors in a connected building, no wastewater can drain and enter the water table.

You can go here for more information on how we help with water pollution.

"The Shire"

Leaching and off-gassing are causing hundred of tons of nutrients and fecal matter to enter the waterways affecting our water quality.  In fact, for each large Facility built The Shire, we can save up to  200,000 lbs of Methane from off-gassing per year.

Nitrogen: removal of up to 1000 to 1,600 lbs per day (around 180 tons per year) from leaching and off-gassing

Phosphorus: removal of 200 up to 670 lbs per day (around 80 tons per year) from leaching and off-gassing

Potassium: removal of 600 to 834 lbs per day (around 150 tons per year) A major cause of algae blooms in lakes. 

Fecal matter For every 1 ton of feces = 28,316 grams / 100 ML. Equating to a TMDL (per day) or approx. 100,000 MPN/g per 100 ml each day reduction of manure fecal matter.

The raw fertilizer price per ton is $220 (Q4 2022) The Shire created 18,000 tons of quality Fertilizer or $4 million in gross revenue.

Based on Data compiled by Farm Credit Canada suggests nitrogen fertilizer prices have increased by 148% from Canadian $550 per tonne (2200 lbs) in 2020-21 to $1,365 per tonne in 2022-23.

According to the World Bank, fertilizer costs have risen steadily since the third quarter of 2021, reaching levels unseen since the 2008 financial crisis.

Ref: https://bit.ly/3UNwXiQ  plus Multiple online sources, Florida state university. Penn State University.  Scientific white papers. Pricing - NPK commodities markets 2021/2022 ( NPK pricing surged in 2022 and current prices are higher) https://ycharts.com World Bank index

NPK values On the low end - from  55 pounds of fresh manure excreted daily, there are roughly 0.2 pounds of nitrogen, 0.05 pounds of phosphorus, and 0.12 pounds of potassium (K). These are just averages, though, and will increase depending on the horse's activity levels and feed.

We wanted to add a Myths and FAQ section to our Facilities to help understand the lengths we go to treat wood shavings with manure buns and process the whole wastestream in a safe, environmentally sustainable way.


1. Did you know we make sure that all manure is covered inside and treated to prevent any flies' disease or odor? We worked tirelessly to work with manufacturers and technology partners that had to provide low emissions and cleantech throughout the process.

2. Did you know we focus on cleaning up water pollution, and methane-air pollution by removing, capturing, and reusing everything from the waste stream for good?

3. Did you know we do not stockpile manure laden rotting compost on our site – in fact, we don't even accept it

4. We only process fresh wood shavings that have been used in a horse stall and transported under cover from the farm to our site.

5. We are not a stand-alone compost site or transfer station

6. We do not take rotting manure to separate and process

7. We work with licensed haulers with covered trucks to protect the Environment

8. We control the quality of shavings to manure buns coming in

9. Stall residuals are above 60% wood shavings 40% buns ( with high-end barns up to 80% waste wood shavings)

10. There are no unkept piles left outside on our property

11. Any water available before processing is used in the bioreactor

12. Urine and water moisture in the dryer is converted to steam and condensed back to the water for reuse

13. We make wood shavings and manure buns inert (no smell)

14. Low odor mandate throughout and around the property

15. Replaceable Carbon filters and Ozone filters used throughout

16. Fans & blowers produce low-level noise

17. Low traffic count to process 18,36, or 59,000 tons per year.

You say its a better bedding; why?

You can read our bedding chart here - additionally, we want to add the following:

Better for the Environment Cutting back waste to landfills, deforestation, truck emissions, methane off-gassing, and leaching. Social Responsibility. Reclaims up to 3 million gallons of water.

Better for the local region. No waste. No smell. No unsightly piles. Adding a safe, legal dumpsite as shavings with manure does not effectively increase yield or nutrients to Ag lands. Most counties do not allow placing stall residuals in landfills or on fields or left uncovered in the rainy season.

Better Supply chain. Reducing the steps in half to produce and deliver a quality bagged horse bedding to the local community. Buy local.

Better Bedding for Horse & Owner patent-pending process, system, and compounds. We manufacture competitively priced bagged reusable horse bedding and high-yield biomass cleanly and without the mess.

Technology - How did you choose manufacturers.

That is a long answer. In short, we tested manufacturers that were already in separating, drying, and composting.

We want to build with horses in mind and athletically pleasing to equestrian world circles while being clean, simple, and practical, allowing us to modify for each regional code.

Each manufacturer has proven its self in drying with low to no emission. Separating while protecting the shavings' integrity, Carbon filers, and ozone generators to remove any smells.

Custom components that connected and automated multiple pieces of independent machinery to work in a unique way.

Monitoring tracking and tracing to be the best stewards of our industry and the environment around us.


HiPoint HPAB enclosed covered buildings 

Design spec proposal 2021/2022HIiPoint HPAB covered buildings


How does it work to maintain a clean environment?

HPAB is not a manure transfer station or outside composter in windrows. HPAB processes everything it accepts and resells it enclosed bales.

Haulers are already taking manure from many farms across the region. HPAB chooses to accept stall residual horse bedding waste from farms that have high wood content, low manure buns content from covered manure bins, or pits on those farms. The facility does not accept rotting manure.

Existing hauling trucks (which are also covered) truck along existing routes and turn into our Facility instead of continuing to other open compost, burning, or illegal dumping field. Haulers will drive into the proposed facility where the trucks use a tailgate or bin set up (which is also covered) and deposit material into the covered facility where it subsequently begins the processing components within a few hours. The hauling trucks then depart empty with their covers up. This hauling component prevents manure from potentially being spilled onto the streets across the county, and because it is processed within a few hours to days.

HPAB takes the manure and temporarily stores it on a concrete floor with a grate, so any leaching of water and urine gets moved to the bioreactor, which is undercover and also covered. There is little odor and any moisture is processed through extractor fans with carbon and ozone filters. This process prevents aerosol drift and will not affect area residents, especially those beyond a few hundred feet.

HPAB does not take rotting manure or leave manure on the ground to rot. Everything is processed for reuse undercover which reduces flies, disease, and the negative effects of leaving manure unprocessed on farms fields or compost sites. Flies only hatch on aerobic rotting manure from fly eggs that take about a week to three weeks to hatch. We process before this event - meaning,  less flies in the area to reduce zootonic disease due to our Facility and process.

The manure buns are separated from the shavings and moved to the bioreactor for drying and breaking down while the separated shavings proceed to their own drying process. There is no odor to the drying process since the moisture is converted to steam at high heat, and all the moisture turns to water which is stored in tanks after treatment through ozone and 49-micron filters. The water is stored outside in enclosed tanks.

The dried shavings are separated again to remove dust, and that dust is moved to the bioreactor drum. The shavings are treated with a natural infusion compound for health and safety and bagged for resale and stored in the building on pallets.

The bioreactor turns the manure buns - fines and dust and water in a self-heating drum for 5 to 7 days to render the biomass inert. The biomass is placed inside the building to cure and bagged or trucked out in enclosed 52ft containers.

Nothing is wasted.

What can you share about the process

HiPoint Agro Bedding is an organization dedicated to Zero Waste Environmental Recycling of animal feedstock. Currently, horse stall residuals are a wastestream that is being inadequately and illegally disposed of at a high cost to many counties’ agricultural lands, air, and water habitat. We will be the first to recycle, repurpose, and reuse bi-products from a single waste stream of stall residuals into multiple revenue streams through the influence of the horse.

The separated shavings are dried, sterilized, and revitalized to be reused as horse bedding. Manufactured to be better quality, cleaner, and dust-free, they are infused with natural tree cellulose oils to make our performance bedding safer and hypo-allergenic—an environmentally sustainable alternative to current single-use virgin wood shavings.

From the separation of the wood substrate from the stall waste, we also produce up to 30 tons per day (10,000 to 18,000 tons per year) of high-yield organic matter biomass for reuse using accelerated in-vessel bioreactors. The biomass provides fertilizers to revitalize agricultural lands and gardens, and what's left we process as Pyrolysis to extract about 30% biochar (used as a feed additive, soil additive, or to reduce phosphorous in water) and 70% syngas for electricity or * as hydrogen (Hipoint energy)  -

Alternative uses - In large farm areas where there are Anaerobic Digestion biogas facilities we can send the manure portion directly to AD to pull off the methane helping create more CNG gas for vehicle fuel. We recapture the sludge after the AD extracts the methane to further process in the bioreactors as cake.

This allows us to Lead to a low carbon economy with less dependence on fossil fuels and chemicals and clean up the water in your community.


HiPoint Bedding Fuzed Gold system slide


HiPoint Fertilizer Soil Biomass system slide



HiPoint Energy system slide Hydrogen - Syngas Biochar

Where do You build and how?

We have discovered that in the USA alone there are three million tons of stall residuals being disposed of across the USA inadequate or even illegally. HiPoint is a part of the solution and has highlighted 40 potential regions. In the UK and Europe, we see from preliminary research adding another 20 to 40 Facilities.

What’s your mandate policy for ownership?

We build our own Facilities with local support. It starts with a phone call. Then we do a validation report in three phases to verify a team and the region. The second phase is the feedstock supply and support from the community. The third phase is procurement and specific engineering design and the fourth is funding and build-out. We use the four words of Location. Feedstock. Support. Funding.

Do you implement your process overseas?

Yes, we’ll implement our Process and help build our Facilities across the globe without borders.

Do you have customer service?

Of course! Our friendly and knowledgeable customer services reps are available to answer your questions call 1.855.963.1700 or email@hipointbedding.com

Do you offer franchises?

Not in the standard sense. Outside of North America, we do offer a more collaborative partnership agreement. We do offer local partners to have an invested interest in a regional facility build, with regional borders inside North America. Call us to learn more 1.855.963.1700

How long does it take from start to finish?

Yikes! loaded question.  It can take more than a year to validate the region, purchase land and go through the permitting zoning hoops of local regional counties. Once we have the Location. Feedstock. Support & Funding we can be built to commissioning in 9 - 12 months.

Do you need permits?

Yep. all zoning and permits are needed county region specific including EPA. Environmentally we can showcase the proposed design as state-of-the-art with no environmental concerns to the land we are using. In most cases an air permit would be needed with almost all other drying technologies, however, by recapturing dust and using thermodynamic drying we fall below most emission regulations. Energy usage is kept under 800 amps and 4 MMBTU. Out water usage is minimal about the same as a family household.  We capture much of the condensate water in tanks for reuse and so the level of grey water required for a water discharge permit is greatly reduced. Our goal is to challenge ourselves to become entirely self-sustainable and have zero impact on the environment - wasting nothing and gaining everything from a single sorely overlooked waste-stream.